About the FLC
The Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Learning Community (FLC) is co-sponsored by the Office of Faculty Affairs and the Center for Teaching and Learning. Each year, its members focus on learning and sharing information in support of non-tenure-track
faculty, relating to relevant experiences, policies, networking, and data.
The CTL issues a call for participation in FLCs at the start of each Fall semester; however, it is also possible to join our FLC mid-year.
Since 2012, the Faculty Learning Community has worked to raise awareness and take action on behalf of UGA's non-tenure-track faculty, in the context of the national and local growth in these important roles. The FLC drafted campus-wide surveys of NTT faculty in 2015, 2017, and 2020, providing important data and gathering perspectives on areas for campus enhancement, including the need for revising the appointment/promotion guidelines for Academic Professionals and for Lecturers.
Annual presentations and archived information is available at the Center for Teaching and Learning's FLC Archives page. See below for more details relating to non-tenure-track faculty at UGA by year!
Accomplishments and Activities
In recent years, the NTT FLC has collated institutional data and developed "at a glance" resources to help clarify the range of roles and activities represented by UGA's non-tenure-track faculty.
The FLC also curates a list of campus awards that non-tenure-track faculty are eligible for, and helps raise awareness of campus climate issues (e.g., FYO teaching eligibility; salary equity; faculty recognition upon promotion) and to clarify policies (e.g., that non-tenure-track faculty are eligible to teach CURO courses and to be graduate faculty).
The FLC worked with the University Council's statutes and bylaws committee and faculty affairs committee (FAC) to amend UC policies to include representatives from several NTT faculty tracks on the FAC. See the Resource People page for current representatives to the Faculty Affairs Committee.
Annually, the FLC sends congratulatory cards to recently-promoted faculty and holds networking events.
The FLC has developed an informal mentoring program, and hosts a listserv.
We have also done three climate surveys, capturing the experiences, expertise, and recommendations of NTT faculty on our campus.
The Non-Tenure-Track FLC has been working for several years in support of accurate information, advocacy, policies, and data relevant to non-tenure-track faculty. Here are some key past accomplishments.
2012-13 and 2013-14: (Facilitator, Melissa Scott Kozak)
Network building and sharing of experiences and challenges as NTT faculty, particularly around Lecturer promotion guidelines and expectations.
Developed examples (archived on CTL’s FLC Products page at http://ctl.uga.edu/flc/products-1) of teaching philosophy statements, CVs, and other dossier components for lecturer promotion.
2014-15: (Facilitator, Melissa Scott Kozak)
Gathered institutional information on number and type of faculty at UGA from Office of Institutional Research data requests.
Discussed several of the career tracks and inconsistencies in the experiences of promotion, especially by faculty in academic professional and lecturer tracks.
Collected information on what faculty awards at the university and school/college level allow or exclude NTT faculty from eligibility.
Reviewed First-Year Odyssey Seminars taught by NTT faculty in light of policy interpretation by FYO office limiting to tenure-track and clinical only, and developed a statement advocating for NTT inclusion in eligibility.
Discussed concerns regarding Honors Option courses taught by NTT faculty requiring department head approval; desirability of Third-Year Reviews for all faculty; need for more specificity in offer letters; the need for a third tier of promotion for Lecturers; and desirability of a mentoring program, for more professional development, and for sample promotion dossiers.
Created a survey and surveyed NTT faculty campus-wide, in Spring 2015, on their experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds (over 300 respondents). Reviewed responses in summary and by faculty career track. Reported outcomes to Franklin College Faculty Senate, CTL, and others.
Presented at end of year CTL event.
2015-16: (Facilitators, Paul Matthews & Liz Osborn Kibbe)
Delivered the statement on FYOS to OVPI and met with Associate VPI.
Encouraged several NTT faculty to apply to teach FYOS to keep issues on the forefront.
Working groups on promotion guidelines/best practices; review of survey data; literature review of NTT literature (including consultation with IHE faculty); awards/grants.
Fielded an inquiry from NTT faculty at University of South Carolina.
Met with Sarah Covert, Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) to further discuss issues and policies.
Met with Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) in March to present data from survey and policy statements. FAC unanimously charged OFA to create ad hoc committees to revise promotion materials for the Academic Professional and Lecturer tracks. Provided recommendations to OFA for prospective committee members.
Requested/received updated information from OIR on faculty counts and tracks.
Communicated with Registrar’s office re policies for election to University Council, including Faculty Affairs Committee, which had several clinical faculty elected by their schools/colleges who had to be “removed” as ineligible.
Sent summary of survey data to participants who had requested information.
Became aware of the Provost’s recognition ceremony for tenure-track and clinical faculty (only) promotions.
Became aware that Academic Professionals do not receive raises upon promotion from any source except own unit’s available funding, and no consistent level.
Presented at end of year CTL event.
2016-17: (Facilitators: Liz Osborne Kibbe and Leslie Gordon)
FLC began to be co-sponsored by the Office of Faculty Affairs and CTL.
Learned about discussions by the Teaching Academy about a possible teaching award for NTT faculty.
Ad hoc committees formed (Nov.) by Office of Faculty Affairs to begin process of reviewing and revising appointment/promotion documents for Academic Professionals (chaired by Paul Matthews) and Lecturers (chaired by Melissa Landers-Potts).
Requested/received updated information from OIR on faculty counts and tracks.
Working groups looking at survey analysis and drafting a white paper; creating a bank of promotion dossiers; planning/hosting a NTT faculty event.
Implemented a NTT Faculty Networking Event (The Root/The Pine) on Jan. 26, with networking, posters on “what I love about being NTT” and a “dot-ocracy” activity to solicit feedback on areas of interest/need. Chris Franklin (senior lecturer, statistics) was the featured speaker. Attendance of 58.
Sent out a follow-up on behalf of Faculty Affairs for NTT volunteers to meet with the US Government Accountability Office during their (March 2017) campus visit.
Initial request (March 2017) from the Faculty Affairs Committee to us, via OFA, to have the UC Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees review NTT faculty eligibility and representation on all committees, not just FAC; this was passed along to the statutes & bylaws committee chair in April, who agreed to share with the following year’s committee for consideration.
Created and implemented a second NTT faculty survey campus-wide (sent to all NTT except ADMN, LIBR, and PHYS) in April 2017, on their experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds (over 300 respondents). Data included action priority areas by faculty career track. Reported outcomes to Faculty Affairs Committee and others.
Encouraged several NTT faculty to apply to teach FYOS to keep issues on the forefront. None approved for fall 2017.
Presented a poster at the end-of-year CTL Showcase.
2017-18: (Facilitators: Leslie Gordon and Paul Matthews)
Throughout the year, separate committees (not part of the FLC) continued work on drafting and editing the reworked appointment & promotion guidelines for Academic Professionals (APs) and Lecturers. The AP document, after being vetted and edited by the Office of Faculty Affairs and the full Faculty Affairs Committee, was sent out to all APs and to all schools/colleges/VP units with APs, and was approved at the April 2018 University Council.
College of Engineering begins using the term “Professor of Practice” for their clinical-track faculty.
Presented outcomes of the survey and issues raised, to the Faculty Affairs Committee (November).
Continued interpretation and write-up of survey outcomes and their relationship to national best practices for NTT faculty, including investigating policies at other universities.
Requested/received updated information from OIR on faculty counts and tracks, also shared with the relevant UC committee leadership.
Sponsored NTT Faculty Networking event at Southern Brewing in late January, with “flash talks” from several NTT faculty and OFA, acknowledgement of attendees who had been promoted, plus an infographic handout. Despite over 100 RSVPs, actual attendance was only 54 due to severe weather.
Proposed a statement via Franklin College Senate’s advisory role to advocate for allowing NTT faculty to teach FYOS, to be included in teaching awards, and for CURO.
Throughout the year, drafts and eventual proposals from Statutes & Bylaws Committee re NTT faculty eligibility for UC subcommittees, including the Faculty Affairs Committee, generated much discussion at Executive Committee and full University Council. The Statutes and Bylaws committee agreed to go “back to the drawing board” with more involvement by FAC and feedback from the vice president offices impacted next year. They also chose not to move forward in April with the related, less contentious revision to allow NTT representation on three other committees (apart from FAC).
Several NTT faculty applied to teach FYOS to keep issues on the forefront. None approved for fall 2018.
Presented a poster at the end-of-year CTL Showcase.
FLC members sent personal notes to 64 NTT faculty who received promotions (summer 2018).
Met with Office of Faculty Affairs to discuss ways for the FLC to help with unit-head orientation and information for the coming year.
2018-19: (Facilitators: Clair McClure and Paul Matthews)
FLC organized into 4 working groups to take on specific issues, with sub-group and whole group meetings throughout the year.
Collaborated with University Council Statutes & Bylaws committee on updating UC bylaws. This resulted in an approved proposal (April 2019) for six dedicated slots for NTT faculty on the Faculty Affairs Committee as part of a broader reorganization of this committee, as well as minor updates to other parts of the UC bylaws. (NTT FAC members elected August 2019.)
Policy working group investigated NTT policies at peer/aspirational institutions as potential models, and reviewed UGA’s strategic plan for alignment with NTT issues.
3rd Annual Networking event held at Southern Brewing Co.; informational listserv for NTT faculty created (also disseminated at Fall 2019 new faculty orientation).
Began work on NTT Mentoring initiative, including surveying interested faculty and creating initial “mentor profiles,” launching summer 2019.
Continued gathering institutional data on NTT faculty, and developed annotated bibliography of scholarship on NTT faculty.
Developed and piloted informational materials, especially oriented toward department heads: “At a Glance” comparison of NTT roles, and “Top 10 Myths/Misconceptions.”
Advocated for recognition of promoted NTT faculty by UGA administration, resulting in a reception for these faculty in spring 2019.
Pointed out that Columns publication list of promotions unintentionally excluded some of the NTT roles. FLC was not able to get accurate list of those promoted so was not able to send congratulatory notes during summer 2019.
Supported ad hoc committee members continuing work on revisions to UGA’s appointment/promotion guidelines for Lecturers.
Presented at FLC end-of-year showcase.
2019-20: (Facilitators: Clair McClure and Paul Matthews)
Invited NTT representatives on Faculty Affairs Committee to attend/communicate with the FLC, including regarding ongoing updates to Lecturer appointment & promotion guidelines.
Communicated with new subcommittee formed by FAC to develop Lecturer promotion guidelines.
Provided feedback and data to FAC on concerns about motion to FAC to amend the Academic Professional promotion guidelines.
Held 4th annual networking event (at Southern Brewing Co.).
Helped lead first-ever workshop for appointment & promotion guidelines for Academic Professionals.
Confirmed that NTT faculty are eligible to teach CURO courses.
Surveyed NTT faculty in late Spring 2020, with 429 responses.
Organized into working groups on: Policy (governance, awards, recognitions); Data (updated “At a Glance” document; launched 3rd NTT faculty climate survey); Outreach (networking event, listserv, discussions of website); Mentoring (developing NTT mentoring program).
No year-end showcase was held, due to the pandemic.
2020-21: (Facilitators: John Brocato and Paul Matthews)
Organized into working groups on: Policy/Research; 2020 Climate Survey Analysis; Mentoring; and Publicity/Dissemination/Outreach.
Developed new website to hold information for non-tenure-track faculty.
Presented at the new faculty orientation session in August.
Sent congratulatory notes to non-tenure-track faculty promoted in 2019.
Updated “at a glance” documents with annual data from OIR.
Surveyed Academic Professional faculty and provided feedback to the Faculty Affairs Committee on proposed revisions to Academic Professional and to Lecturer appointment/promotion guidelines, relating to concerns over proposed revisions allowing early-career tenure-track faculty to vote on promotion of senior NTT faculty.
Delivered online spring 2021 networking event.
Presented at the promotion workshop for Academic Professionals held by OFA.
This website launched in summer 2021!
2021-22: (Facilitators: John Brocato and Paul Matthews)
Tabled at New Faculty Orientation.
Sent note of appreciation to Provost and Teaching Academy re new teaching award for non-tenure-track faculty.
Provided feedback to Faculty Affairs Committee and Office of Faculty Affairs re revised Lecturer appointment/promotion guidelines, which passed at University Council in October 2021.
Conducted a virtual networking event for Fall 2021.
Encouraged involvement with the non-tenure-track mentoring initiative and organized dossier-writing support groups.
Conducted an in-person networking event at Athentic Brewing in Spring 2022.
Provided information and advocacy on Faculty Affairs Committee’s proposals to modify Academic Professional promotion guidelines.
Engaged UGA with a national action research study on professional development and non-tenure-track faculty, led by USC’s Pullias Center.
Sent congratulatory notes to non-tenure-track faculty promoted in 2022.
2022-23: (Facilitators: Julie Grainy and Paul Matthews)
Tabled at New Faculty Orientation.
Encouraged involvement with the non-tenure-track mentoring initiative and organized dossier-writing support groups.
Surveyed NTT faculty in Spring 2023, with a 42% completion rate (n=557).
Continued engagement with a national action research study on professional development and non-tenure-track faculty, led by USC’s Pullias Center.
Conducted an in-person networking event at Athentic Brewing in Spring 2023.
Sent note of appreciation to OVPR re new research award for non-tenure-track faculty.
Sent congratulatory notes to non-tenure-track faculty promoted in 2023.
2023-24: (Facilitator: Julie Grainy)
Tabled at New Faculty Orientation.
Encouraged involvement with the non-tenure-track mentoring initiative and organized dossier-writing support groups.
Presented results of the 2023 survey to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Director of Programming for Faculty Affairs and to the Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Learning Community.
Advocated for non-tenure-track faculty inclusion in faculty appreciation events.
Preparing congratulatory notes to non-tenure-track faculty promoted in 2024.
In-Person networking event scheduled for April 9, 2024 - details to come!